First Day of School
“Hey fat girl!”
Who are they talking too and that is so mean.
There’s a little girl walking down the halls
She looks normal enough
It’s the first day of school, kindergarten.
The first day of the rest of her life.
What crowd will she be a part of?
Cliquces exist already? Even at this age?
Here comes that little girl.
She’s smiling really big.
She looks like she belongs.
A little fat but I heard she’s funny.
Fat girls tend to be funny, takes attention away from
Being so
She stops and talks to some kids
Still smiling.
Still Happy.
Still fat.
She sits in class
Does all of her work
Is in the front row and the teacher seems to like her
Everyone in the class likes her.
She has a really cute face
Cute clothes
She talks to everyone:
Smart kids
Popular kids
Special Ed kids, and she stands up for them.
She gets picked first for kick ball and dodge ball.
This girl is the talk of the kindergarten class
What a nice girl she is.
So helpful, and sweet to everyone.
And on the back of her backpack it reads
“KT Sharron”
The cute little fat girl who was always nice to everyone because she was taught to be. It all started on the first day of school, kindergarten, when one little mean boy began her day with “Hey fat girl!” She ignored him, and it was on that day and at that time that she decided that she would never let someone kill her spirit. She was fun, and beautiful, and comical and yeah she was a little fat, but she was herself and that is what made her who she was and who she became.
Still strong
Still happy
Still smiling
Still cute as hell!