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He imparts me with His royalty & fills me with His love for me He seats me amongst nobility, renting showers from above He takes me to His gardens—replete with gushing, bubbling springs
In a fractured, tormented soul... It has been said there are many rooms. But some prefer, I think... To forever call them tombs. Poor spliced-trashed souls wander motionless...
Next to impossible to convince... Devoid the faculty to trust. To have been this way forever since... Yet, hoping to trample his doubts into dust. Finding it so irrefutably hard to believe...
I am lifted by the Lord. Craving GOD'S Holy Word. Wherein my thoughts often linger. Searching Scriptures pages, Quelling this world's rages, Finding Christ, Salvation's bringer.
39 Strikes of paint on a canvas telling me to, Never Give Up Never Give Enough Never Give Up Never Give Enough Never Good Enoug- Im Never Good Enough . . .
People use scripture for every argument, With hate and vigor It seems they're incompetent of showing love.   The simple truth: Everyone's a sinner And we're all hypocrites.
There is a battle inside me Between my (guilty) conscience And my nature Between logic and feeling Between head and heart Between Scripture and hormones Between Leviticus and love…
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