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— sui cædere… To make way for grief!
A kiss neither betrayed nor swore allegiance
To king or crown, a terrible dinner
Upon which the lord looked down… —
Don’t cry on my shoulder.
naked under a juniper tree
bareboned and rigid like the rocky mountains afar
feeding on the old mulch
blind and dirty
burnished hazel protuberant eyeballs dumb as marbles
dialeted as the full moon
Different but similar, in distinct scenes
Interpretations of that which is “eternal”
Some of the bounded in settings infernal,
Variations seen
In the beginning, man created ideas
Thoughts spawn without direction,
Fleeting yet lasting, ever-impactful.
Feelings observe without connection,
Patient yet hurried, clever and tactful.
Ordering and organzing, making sense of the maelstrom.
I don't want to stop you
Please enjoy your time here
Just know you are affecting me
We are taking from eachother, in the time we have spent together.
Barren stems more than emptiness -within the confines of lost and broken,resilient as beauty is -Hope that awakens in white flowersto kiss you dreams that you areso welcome to take.
He wanted her to heal his heart
She wanted to give him her heart
He has felt pain and so has she
She does not fear it, for it is how she can see
See into his soul and deeply understand
Dear Buddhist girl,
You are so perfect.
You are kind, and you are wise.
Others may not understand you like I do,
But i will always be here to pick you up when you need me.
It started with shakes and the violent pounding.
The floor boards matching the beat inside my ribcage.
Japan was beautiful. And it was the shaking that stirred such a thought.
I thought you were s'posed to be acceptingYes, I'm the antithesis of my parmaJudge me cuz I'm left wingHate me for my dharmaI told you about my explorationsIn private, to tell me your considerations
I’ll stay up hours to burn up the midnight fuel within my core and drown out the nerved voice inside that is never content. Like breaking a fever, I either run it rampant, or it will run me dry.
Death is not the end
of pain and pleasure.
The Great Gristmill grinds fine
pebble deeds and boulder