Poems from slkess16

My name is Sarah Kessinger and I am 15 years old. I live in a mediocre town full of dumb asses. I am rolling with the punches but for now I am trying to do my own thing! I love writing because you can make something so simple sound so elegant and beautiful. It is a great way to send out a message which is what I want to do. I want to help and inspire the world. I am planning on being a psychologist due to my past experience with many mental illnesses. I am sitting on hope and waiting for a miracle and maybe I will find it here with so many scholarship opportunities.
You call this a classroom.
I call it a jail cell with cheesy posters.
You call it a grade.
I call it the key to my future sucess.
You call...
There's a saying.
It's quite old.
There's a saying.
That's often told.
"Sticks and stones may break your bones,
but words with never hurt...
What is the opposite of living?
It's hating others and not forgiving.
Our eyes were placed in front for a reason.
Look back should be...
Our pure exsistence.
Dreams of immortality.