Poems from okayls

okayls's picture
a small small kayls in a big big salad. eighteen from indiana. i'm bad at talking, so i like writing.
and the shell of the building was all lights, proving even to me that even in my ruin, I was beautiful.   And you’re holding my hands and I...
i'm fine, i'm fine, i'm fine. the sunset's coming in and i'm going to bed for the fifth time since 5pm. i'm fine, i'm fine, i'm definitely...
i told, i told, i told (x300, all the way from the library to my hall)  myself that this year i would not panic. that whatever i did, i...
my horoscope told me that i'm afraid that you'll forget all the good times we had, that one day you'll up and leave and i'll be nothing...
glass jawed girls got in fights on the playground the next street down, "we never tried to hurt no one, just a little rough house fun"...
