cancer's horoscope isn't very optimistic

Fri, 10/02/2015 - 10:27 -- okayls

my horoscope told me that i'm afraid that you'll forget all the good times we had,

that one day you'll up and leave and i'll be nothing but a speck of dust on your camera lense--

that when you show your kids the pictures we took with our friends,

everyone elses' names will roll off your tongue with a teary smile dipped in nostalgia,

but when you get to me, you'll stumble, shrug,

and say,

"i don't remember. probably not that important."

and i wanted to say that that was some bullshit, that i'd be afraid of something

as natural as forgetting,

but then i stopped lying to myself and cupped my head in my hands.


and on the topic of things that make me worry,

dying scares me, yeah, because 

it basically just takes three generations for your memory to fade away,

and god i just want to do something worth while.

don't forget me don't forget me don't forget me please don't FUCKING forget me.

i tried this hard to stay here, don't tell me that i'll be forgotten.


but, in case of the apparently inevitable, i'm trying to remember myself.

the fact that my molecules are everywhere-- my sophomore year science book told me

that when we breathe, we lose a few molecules, and gain a few from those who are around us.

the fact that energy is never created or destroyed, only transferred, so that hopefully my heart

will just keep racing racing racing racing around,

and that i'll be able to smile when i see you

whether or not you remember me.


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