Poems from mrapook

I am from Miami, Florida and have written poems throughout my life. Some more prolific than others. I know this site is for young poets and writers, but i am young at heart with a little more life experiences. Since we all have been locked up in our own induced prison for awhile, i thought it was about time, since i have so much of it now, to gather all my writings and share my life with you all. Topics that i cover will be, "Mother Nature" "life" "Friendships" "Love" and "Some stories and Thoughts."
I have loved art all my life, especially photography and graphic art (my profession, love designing logos and studied at the art institute of Ft. Lauderdale) and ceramics. I wrestled at light weight in high school and won a national award for one of my ceramic vases. I have gone through many rough waters in my life, which one of us hasn't,? which you will read when i post them. I fantasy roll play, play card games especially Poker, and i like board games.
You are welcome to follow me on Facebook if you are so inclined to snoop through my pictures and my life. https://www.facebook.com/mitchell.abrahams.77
or for my poetry page "Me Myself & i" fb.me/mrapook
I also belong the the "AllPoetry.com" website. Hope you enjoy my poems
Autumn’s leavesfull summer treesprobing mountain peaks,in waterfall’s ragemisty rainbow cagethe sunshine from the east.
perfumed delicate...
Expressing on paper has always been easier for me,as my conversations are with the sea.for i ascertain some of life’s secrets never hearing...
The leaves change complexionas they anticipate autumn’s wind,colors telling everyonethat winter’s walking in.
The swaying treeslet the...
In the middle of the warm Atlanticwhere there are small islands in the Caribbean seawhere white sand beachesstretch a long distance ...