Poems from kaybird99
A house is nought but the sum of it's parts
A day is but a set of hours
A year, a system of days, each bundled up with others and given...
Okay, it's me again
This is how I feel right now,
-I can't see you
-I can't find that pencil you lent me
-I can't feel your hands on my...
I guess we're back where we started,
Sweet lover of my mind
I saw you in a weird place yesterday
Not in my dreams
Not in my thoughts
Hey, I was just wondering
if you know you have your elbow in my heart
Like, I know it's comfortable and all but really
Is it that you like...
You stand beside me and try to hold my hand
The warmth of you sets my mind wandering
The way your whole face smiles before your mouth does...