Hello Sweetie
Okay, it's me again
This is how I feel right now,
-I can't see you
-I can't find that pencil you lent me
-I can't feel your hands on my hips
-I can't hear your voice
-I can't remember the way your lips taste
So basically I'm in a state of nowhere
I miss you
Do you miss me?
floating around like a mote in the sky
You're so gone and I can't see your face
The picture you sent is all smudged and clouded
it looks like a memory I had of a Birthday ten years ago
I wish you had been there
there was cake and I won pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey
I loved you for a moment
Did you notice?
I was watching you and you smiled and reached up
to touch my face
That was the moment when I gave my heart to you
That was the moment when I lost my mind too
Doesn't it suck that those are pretty much the same?
I remember the time you told me you loved me.
You called me Gypsy and tickled me till I squeaked
Did you mean that?
It sparked a fear in my stomach
Did you mean that?
I don't mind if it's not because we are too young to decide such things
I hope to god that you meant it
I remember the time you kissed my lips.
You asked me to remember you and took the virginity from my mouth
I let you peck and peck until my mind was fuzzy
I got lost in the subway
right after that
I missed you so much
right after that
I love you for real
right after that
You're always in my head, Baby
and I don't know if I can shake you loose
I don't know if I want to