Poems from joshuafields
My side hobby is writing poetry, I tend to write complicated poems that have various meanings and I am always interested to hear other's interpretations. I love poetry because it acts as a gateway to express things and reveal my inner self. Enjoy, Poetry lovers!
Waking up everyday seems just so hard
I am tired of this routine that got me off-guard
I have no social life, I am like broken glass shards...
Words on a page like birds on a plane just a double standard no words can explain
I tried to figure out what the birds tried to say
Clear skies
Clouds white as paper
Air is crisp flat ironed pressed
Birds sing a melody
Grass seems greener
A breath of fresh air; breathe...
Wake up
Inhale the pure air
Smile it’s another day
Full of opportunities, possibilities
Love yourself and others
No matter the circumstance...
“Don’t fear the dark” is what I was told
I sit in bed covers to chin covered fully
I look left and right playing Look-See
I am sweating and...