Birds on a Plane (Funny poem)
Words on a page like birds on a plane just a double standard no words can explain
I tried to figure out what the birds tried to say
Tweet, tweet, tweet, not a social media page
Don’t put them in a cage as they would go crazy or insane
It doesn’t make sense since they are flying inside a plane, almost sounds the same
They are trapped either way but at least they have a destination: Norway or Spain
They are flying high like infinite construction cranes
Why must we say these birds are on a plane?
They have special feathers and strong wings that are already trained
The birds don’t wear seatbelts as they defy gravity
There are too many of them creating hostility
They all know each other so they are fairly friendly
Any turbulence and it’s a tragedy
Staying in their lane they can’t complain
One thing there are way too many wings
Inside voices don’t exist they are chirping away melodies of bliss but get this
It sounds like a concert wave were nobody hears each other just dancing in a craze
One said, “Baby, where is my Chinese food I am caught up in a maze.
Maybe some utensils a little catering to settle this plane
Because every bird in here is driving me insane.”
Some of them fell asleep, wings strapped to the seats
Feet dangling off the edge like warriors in defeat
What did they do nobody knows?
How can the birds be so tired they are stuck like ballistic black crows?
Loose talons flying everywhere, some decided to clip their nails
Dangerous since they flung around like projectile missiles
It doesn’t end well, for some will fling them back and check it off their bucket list
One wish is to have peace of mind, One says, “I want to take a shower
To get my feathers crisp, all this humidity and nails got me feeling dirty on this trip!”
Confusion floods the air as the plane flies on
Nobody knows the time of day their migration schedule flipped on snow mode
Too many personalities all in one cabin
The pilot named Gavin doesn’t seem to notice
The gruesome boxing matches happening, he just focuses on navigating
While everyone is laughing
All fun and games until things became havoc a little tragic
For the birds were in their zone: talking on the phone, plants they grown
Reading alone, modeling some clothes, most things unknown
Plane depressurized, windows cracked, they turned their backs
Started to flap their wings and shoot out the windows like bullets
They had a wonderful time but the hour came to fly back home
Double flying results in chaos as the story was told…