Call it Courage
“Don’t fear the dark” is what I was told
I sit in bed covers to chin covered fully
I look left and right playing Look-See
I am sweating and shaky, I don’t know why
My room is dark as I lay with the shadows
Monsters don’t exist only in my mind
I checked the closet and left the door ajar
Never dare to look under the bed
If my feet hang off the bed, I curl myself
The house is quiet, and everyone is dreaming
Why am I awake thinking?
I must use the bathroom and won’t get up
Something or someone will grab me
I must wait until daylight, it’s a long wait
Too many horror flicks of the unreal
I hear a rattle in my closet, the door creaks
Unknown wind picks up, my blanket is tugged
Thumping noises under my bed, a small figure is in the corner
Its’s all in my head, the suspense builds
I shake my sheets off, go to the bathroom
Return to my room close the door and sleep
One word: Courage, is all it took