Poems from Wired6

Behold! There it was,the blue and white portal, located under the window. Transfixed,was he,he didn't need much movement,  so still was he,...
I'll talk the talk, I'll even walk the walk for you Clyde. I'll hit the shops and rob them all for you Clyde. Beyond the Borders,I'll...
Watch out for Methane,farty gas, emerging from cows,cows, cows,Ass///Arse///   ©Wired6. 27/10/2021
You say I'm such a Cunt.......Yes I know. So do something bout...... Bout what? Being a Cunt is fantastic in my eyes.......... So if you...
Rise-------- Rise-------The Future Generations of 2mor,Tomorrow,Rise.   ©Wired6. 27/10/2021
