Poems from Wired6

Come and meet me on the radio.   ©Wired6. 27/10/2021
Homegeny World. No Homegeny World. In the Homogenous Word of Worlds.   ©Wired6. 27/10/2021.
She communes with the dead∆∆∆ Started when only four∆∆∆ When she saw∆∆∆ A Loor∆∆∆ Beside her bed∆∆∆   ©Wired6.27/10/2021
Breathe in..... Breathe in......Pollution entrenched in our lives..... That's all we do.....Breathe in fumes....... I'd hate 2 see the...
Can I ask you something? Do short guys do it for you? Or do you prefer taller guys? And if you do like tall guys, Is this preference due 2...
