Poems from Wired6

All this talking is leaving me blue. All I want from you is 2 be used by you. Will you?   ©Wired6.27/10/2021
Disrespected,Deeply,Insensitive,Clothing.     ©Wired6.27/10/2021
Black women who lives on Council Estates. No One Cares,About Their Lives. No Care. No Care. No Care Of Wembley Lives.   ©Wired6. 27/10/2021...
In One Night She saw the following numbers: 1:11 11:11 2:22 3:33 4:44!! What's going on?She's smiling though!∆∆∆   ©Wired6. 4/11/2021.
Horrified---- Our nurses may go on Strike! Poor NHS!   ©Wired6.4/11/2021
