Poems from TruthTellerVi

I want to write good poetry, lyrical powerful poetry about God. So whatever I write that is lyrical, powerful and moving--Does NOT come from me, but from Him. I take no credit other than that my fingers typed it.
I am the poet, madder red
The odd accumulation of odds and ends.
Bright and tarnished, waylaid silver
My worth is determined by the words...
The world is stumbling
Sham-ambling through a series of convictions
To the black gates of hell, death and destruction.
But the cross...
God took a breath...
And uttered the syllables
That bound Spirit to flesh.
And God became man.
Enfleshed and embodied in a body
God became...
Lord I forgot
What it is to be hated
I forgot why the crowd's ever swaying
Against us.
We Your body
Made up of broken battered people...
Lord take me
My humility
Let me not flee from Thee,
But let me hide myself in Thee.
Perfection, blest and steady
Like the beat of a single...