Poems from Surlyduke1@gmail.com

Hey , it’s been a couple years in this site . Right now I’m just settling down and am going to work on getting out a better product . The stuff that is obviously trash will probably be booted.
I really have no beef with anyone .... A lot of what I write is about working out a particular demon .
A lot is about trying new methods based on the feedback on the poems .
It seems you’re always butt hurt any more.
I didn’t mean to make you sore .
Never bothering to digest my words.
Emotional about the things...
An old wooden gate on a gravel dirt road.
The hinges are rusted and squeal with each wind gust.
The adolescent boys hatred is locked in...
She usually runs in neutral even though it’s futile .
Imma never gonna settle just to be her friend.
Crazed and manic , I’ll be patient and...
The golden old rocker squeaks.
old man gliding up and down.
His knees of eternal screech.
No more time to be the clown.
In decades past...
separation of church and state.
Talking heads deliberate.
Constipation of the mind.
Please hesitate , say something kind.