Poems from Surlyduke1@gmail.com

Hey , it’s been a couple years in this site . Right now I’m just settling down and am going to work on getting out a better product . The stuff that is obviously trash will probably be booted.
I really have no beef with anyone .... A lot of what I write is about working out a particular demon .
A lot is about trying new methods based on the feedback on the poems .
Come on around august they burn the rice fields down .
The haze hangs on the horizon for an indeterminate time .
Whether it’s going to...
Fuck this......
No matter how it gets presented.
No matter how much is tried.
Everything you do .
You'll just be right _sized.
Well .......
Where was your paradagigm when the world took a shift?
Does it resonate? Can you figure why youre so miffed?
Was it closer than you thought...
Father , where have you been ?
Allegedly , the plane burst into flames.
You know , that’s been thirty five years.
They say it went down in...
Everyone needs a reason to believe.
It’s as simple as things ever get.
A power play , twist of fate .
Reality never hesitates..