Poems from Surlyduke1@gmail.com

Surlyduke1@gmail.com's picture
Hey , it’s been a couple years in this site . Right now I’m just settling down and am going to work on getting out a better product . The stuff that is obviously trash will probably be booted. I really have no beef with anyone .... A lot of what I write is about working out a particular demon . A lot is about trying new methods based on the feedback on the poems . .
The shirts aren’t always bright,  faded and off white. Is that the best that he can do? A simple question , it’s rough to   comprehend.  ...
They  called me Boy but not in the way you think. The parents hadn’t picked out a middle name. The hospital needed the paperwork thus the...
It’s a soft tissue cage , inside a bony cage .  Dancehall is always open , one or more’s a crowd , When the whole place is thinking it gets...
Rusty hinges, a noisy gate. Echo rattling through pure hate.  Flooded engine , well that’s great. Cavaly arrives a bit too late. Where it’s...
The grain on the flooring flows smoothly much of time.. Sometimes though , they know why it’s Naughty Pine.  Sitting in a rocker , she...
