Poems from Persona

As my bio says, I go by the name of Luna, a nickname that was given to me by some very special friends. Friends who are very close to me, friends who write, and friends who have not had an easy time in this world the same as I. My poetry, reflects my inner self, which is why my username be "Persona" My poetry is not gumdrops and rainbows, or fire and the gates of hell, but of who I am inside. They are not always pretty, some even disturbing causing the mind to imagine situations no person should witness.
I am Luna, a 17 year old girls who has survived death, trauma, depression, self harm, a rare disorder and more. I live with pain everyday, see the past flash before my eyes, and suffer from diseases that strangle my immune system and turn my hearing on and off. My poetry says it all...my poetry is my story.
Written By: Epic_Poet_01 & Poetry_Luna
There once was an orange...
Little girl stood strong and free,
With her head held high,
And her eye in the sky,
But little girl is different from you and me.
I’ve got joyous laughter in my heart,
Laughter that reminds me of how birds sing,
so beautiful, so sweet, a work of art,
I know laughter...
My love for you is the strongest I will ever feel,
this love is indescribable and inconceivable,
you pick me up when I am down, with you I...
Our friendship is as
valuable as a diamond,
rare as fire snow,
a beautiful sterling rose,
friendships like this have no end.