Poems from Nathan3259

Nathan3259's picture
I'm a Grad student now studying Biochemistry and Biophysics (not sure how I got there). I guess I've been using this site for nearly 8 years now though sometimes I went years without writing much of anything. I write what I feel and I write what I need to let go of. Sometimes I write about a dream or a nightmare I had, If I can tell the difference. I fell in love for poetry in high school and continued to write in college. I hope to publish a book someday as well (leave a comment if a poem speaks to you). P.S. My Instagram is @CottonCandyPoems
    When you open your eyes to the world and take your first breath I'll be there. When you say your first word no matter how unclear I'll...
    Let today be a reminder that your still alive and that in your duties you will strive to be a good person no matter the cost and that...
    When you hear addicted your probably thinking drugs well what if I told you I'm addicted to hugs. Would you be disgusted or scared or...
    Many people will go home tonight knowing that they're losing the fight they believe that life's about cost while the true purpose of...
    Safety is a lie spread by the mentally secure and a dream to the paranoid. Safety is a shell of lies and false hopes that you build...
