Money's Lie


Many people will go home tonight knowing that they're losing the fight they believe that life's about cost while the true purpose of life is lost they ask theirselves why not me why can I not pay the living fee they're constantly battling their inner battles with themselves never knowing who the winner is but generations have past and the fight is handed down so that it may corrupt the very force that brings this world to it's knees to Beg. Money, money has torn families and friendships in to little fragments of self-fulfillment. Those fragments are then glued together with lies and pinned to a background of society. My father told me when I was a child that all I had to live for was money. That the only reason to go to school was to earn money in the future. I was told that I should only go to college for an occupation of money. All the while I was oppressed by the blanket of selfishness. I don't even remember what I wanted to do when I grew up because those dreams were caught in the landslide of other hopes and dreams stollen by lies and money. I have escaped the jail cell of my father's oppressing ideals. He left one fault in his plan of condemning me to his same fate and that was freedom. Freedom to think and to act upon my soul feelings. When people brag about how much money they have or how much money they will earn at the job they want all I can do is feel sorry. I feel sorry that they drowned in lies while tied to the weight of expectation but I broke that chain and swam to the surface. I will not be told what I can and can not do with my life for I have obtained the gift of free thought which is something no money can buy. And one day the time will come when my child asks me if they will make money in their life and if they will be rich. I will destroy the words before they even touch the air and I will tell them that they may not make a lot of money but if they pursue what they love they will be rich in friendship, rich in happiness, and rich in fulfillment. Life is not about the cost and any one who is too weak to break free from the tyranny of society will be caught in the landslide of lies and left behind in a pile of unfulfilled hopes and dreams of knowing that their life revolves around their next pay check and that they are limited by Money.


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