Poems from Mamouth

Really into some rad music. Earl Sweatshirt is my favorite word smith. Influenced by Aesop Rock. Lyrical genius's that I hope to stand with someday. Well A day when I can get out of this state. Maine's no fun. It's always so cold. I'm a little bit depressed so I guess the winter suits me best..
It starts off. Your blue hair cooler then the stare I get back from the ocean.
Stokeing the fire on the beach imagening souls black as the...
Earl Sweatshirt bumping in my headphones.
You there blue haired. Me dazed by intelegence radiating out from your mind left open.
You there...
It's getting ridiculous just to look at your fuckin face.
Without trying to face this case of my heart Sweet like some fuckin pop-tart I...
She smells sweet. Like fruit, Pineapple. Funny like the cap of Some snapple.
Do my best not to stare but find it unfair pretending not...
Demented. An adjictive used to describe him.
A alot. Used by his parents Who have resented his dreams, Deams him not to be seen.
Heard by...