She is.
She smells sweet. Like fruit, Pineapple. Funny like the cap of Some snapple.
Do my best not to stare but find it unfair pretending not to care. I promise I do. Sure im a fool, In class I just drool over these daydreams I have. You and me at the lake just holding hands. Talking. Laughing. If I were courageous I'd kiss you.......
Who... Me... Sorry Didn't relize my eyes were still glued to that gorgeous face. I just want the taste.A taste of what it'd be like with you. So when I ask you... Make haste.
What's she looking for. Head to the door. Stop her in her tracks minds out of wack a sad sack am I and when I say I I'd rather say We. We as in me. With you that's 2. Your all that I want and if your not downit's cool. We can still be freinds and all.... I'd just be lying when I say I hadn't fall down for you. Or raise up.
Up from the cup I look to meet brown eyes gaze. With a daze I arise Ties is my tounge. Hands clammy like a sponge. Words don't seem to be so smooth now.
What to say panicked as much as a father on his daughters wedding day. Kay was the ring slipped on her finger. All of a sudden a memory comes clean in my head I am dead for words and it's the worst. I just wish I had enough courage to scream it. Ream it though the air.....
I love you.