Poems from Laker2b
Give me a reason not to.
Tell me,
With all your wisdom and candor,
A legitimate reason not to take the pillz.
The blade,
How much is in a promise?
Does everyone have to keep it,
Or do the circumstances bend?
Do not fret, my graceful friend,
Your name is not...
Why, there’s a mark on my arm.
A serrated, jagged, adorable mark on my arm.
My arm mark has many relatives.
They are not identical, but...
Blond dancer boy,
How you move in Act I.
Your body concaves on itself,
Whenever the composer wills you to do so.
Blond dancer boy,
For over 150, we had connected,
And for those days, I suffered.
You would be there, perfection and clean,
And I would wait for our paths to...