My Fourth of July
For over 150, we had connected,
And for those days, I suffered.
You would be there, perfection and clean,
And I would wait for our paths to cross.
But finally, the universe gave me a break,
And I got that message from you.
I was only 18 minutes away,
But you complained you were tired.
Luckily enough, we made it work,
And I took off running.
Your home, decadent and protected,
To ourselves – an event I never would have predicted happening.
You took me to your room,
And the works of Walt was splatted throughout.
Some banter and musical theatre music,
And before I knew it, you were lying next to me.
Your eyes, dark chocolate and your hair, soil cotton candy,
Met with my own.
Our lips danced, and your body came over mine,
And the world quite literally blurred out of vision.
The moment came where our bodies were bare,
And your skin had never felt more comfortable.
I struggle and worry,
But your kind words and smiles settled me.
Then I’m inside you,
And the already blurry world went dark.
The rest of the night is play,
The fight for power over one another.
To both our dismay and pleasure,
The night never ended.
Your bed was warm to the touch,
And I still smelled you in the air.
The energy of your body was vibrant,
And I had to hold myself back from showing you my feelings.
8:19 rolled around and my alarm dinged to life,
This time dragging me from our universe and pushing me to reality.
We got dressed,
I couldn’t find my underwear.
You walked me to the door,
And pulled me back for one last kiss.
That pull, not the kiss, the pull is what took me away,
That you had the slightest hint of desire to keep me there.
How I wish I could have been there for hours longer,
And we would talk about the world and sky.
It has been two days,
The pain is unbearable.
I want to be with you,
For all I know, forever.
But I know you, too,
And you want to be independent.
I beg and plead to the universe, to whoever is listening,
To make it all come true.
Before autumn even comes,
We will be a time zone apart.
You may forget about me,
But I will still want your presence.
Don’t become a stranger,
Keep me in your life.
Whether you believe it or not,
We need each other.
My dear friend, the one who I want to dance with,
Don’t throw that night away.
My Fourth of July is special,
Because you left such a lasting impression.