Poems from KristinaElise_7

KristinaElise_7's picture
Hopeless revolutionary without a cause
Life is the cycle of wounds and pain that will not heal. I cry to remind myself that I can still feel. I pray for blindness and shy...
Love is a word that holds no bounds. It is a grateful tear on holy ground. It is the memory of a friendly face; a reminder of our happy...
Life is as frail As a soft flower petal. In one moment it seems healthy and secure. But with a gust of wind It will be attached, no more....
So full of words Don’t know what I’m saying. Try to make you listen but emotions are unspoken. And the tears that glisten down your pale...
Dear love of my life, The monotonous hum of nothing is my constant companion. The wasted words of a lifetime are forgotten in a moment....
