Poems from KristinaElise_7

KristinaElise_7's picture
Hopeless revolutionary without a cause
6 Words Memoirs from my imaginings. Of course fate will never forgive. I doubt pillows sympathize with tears. Haunt my soul with a smile...
A blank page and an ink pen grasped with a choking and shaking grip by my hands with fingernails bit. When I cannot take the pain, the...
  Apart from the pounding of my heart like an arrhythmic tick-tick tock Nothing is to be heard. Nothing  is to be seen. I fear that if I...
There is a queer beauty that seems to find me where I go, along every solitary river, among every bustle of busy feet, behind every...
Imagine the time that you used to be able to remember. You have to imagine, because you can no longer grasp that memory. The feeling of...
