Poems from Joseph Lilley aka Levi DiVine

Joseph Lilley aka Levi DiVine's picture
Musician and lyricist
Well I’m No Sigmund Freud But To answer the question You Deployed      Ya 1st Need to grab a couple beersCause Ya seem a bit annoyed.Just...
All of everything Never met anything I was left confused abused broken in 2 Yeah Laugh it off you’re so amused I speak up and I get an...
So much has changed   So much has changed        But I still feel the same Fires and floods they came     To Burn it down and wash it all...
Lyrics go like this ?.... “ honestly try to be....try stay occupied ....BEAT DROPS ... I Try to stay occupied, so I don’t lose my...
" Valley of Shadows " Amidst the Darkness There Residing Prowling, Waiting Beneath the Shadows Rising. Unknown the Direction from which its...
