Poems from EAnders
I paint, animate, write novels and short stories, compose and record music, brew beer, create various social projects all while preparing to study biochemistry at UCSD. It's always been hard to focus on one subject as literally everything fascinates me, yet writing is always at the center of my life. At the moment I'm looking to publish at least one of the dozen-or-so novels I've been working on, maybe even freelance as a journalist at some point in the future...
...and to be honest I never wrote poetry until now.
A tattered old man from the east approached
Spouting words of a God I'd never known
Doubts built a dam of fragile little sticks
Gold is God
Worth more than us
Blood and bone
It's worth the loss
Gold is chum
Fed to the sharks
With gnashing teeth
Tearing us apart
A sprouting flower still frail and green
Before it bloomed they doubt what they see
Quantified judgments have been made before
The blind...
Out the window, carried on clouds
On a day so listless I can't hear a sound
Silence so loud no thoughts are clear
As the words melt away...
Fate's been kind to lead me here
So far, so close to childhood home
Three years gone an eon ago
No sign of that boy is left to show