Poems from BelleSakmyster

I know that I am a giver.  I know that I can drag you out from the hole, you dug yourself in   So I have done what I can  How do I make you...
The moon isn’t for the Sun.  She isn’t for him.  They were never meant to be  anything more than eclipsed.    Sure, they could hope and...
How the sun yearns and aches to be whole  Whole with the Moon  The admiration of the the beams from the moon He feels as if she completes...
Your honey-glazed brown eyes stare deeply into mine  What are you looking for?  What do you see?    Do you see the love I hold for you?  Or...
The nightmare digs into me  and I wake up with claw marks on my skin Claw marks going up my skin    I feel the marks ever so slightly  The...
