Poems from 1byme1
You know what?
Icing is the best.
It's a fact at this point.
But what's left once you've scooped up the last of the heavenly cream?
What blooms in a cold heart?
What is lost to a new day?
What does it mean to be right?
Which love plays a bigger part?
Which name makes you...
I walk to
on this grey day
within my life of shrewd colors
In the grey
clouds above
I spot a flash
of light
of white
Good morning
I say to myself
though I don't know if it can be
A day passes as it does whether good or bad
I hope for good mornings, as I...
Light came through my window
as the sun began to rise.
The warm, golden rays fell upon my eyes.
A bird chirped, as the day began anew....