#YOWO: Brandon
A broken heart, a sighful tear
Love from a prince, to mend this tear
Same but different, a battered soul
Indubitable faith, he gentle with sole
My knight, paramour, protector:
I long to see you, the second is slow,
Warming smile and sinful touch,
Mingled souls turned to stone.
A simple feeling; one true, and rare,
With a powerful bond of two flames.
His loving spirit for the defeated,
And warm soul to kinder my heart
Soft kisses that melt the sorrow;
A musical heartbeat and peaceful sough.
His eyes are powerful; quixotic and piercing
Amidst the courage in his embrace,
And solace of his warmth
Within his syllables, speaks love
Patience for a woeful silence
To cry lightly, he counts the tears
Sleepless nights to calm the wrath
His love has shown me all i need
My abated soul, and doting eyes
From he cures so many woes,
To love forever says my soul
I love you Brandon.