Your Suggestions
Get up in the morning
Straighten your hair
Put on lipstick
You can’t shop there
Your “suggestions” are the foundation of insecurity
My mind corrupted by the way you think of me
Why girls and boys tolerate this I have no answer
Though who I am is what I ponder
I have experienced war and hate
Bombs thrown at me
No way of escape
I don’t sleep until I help everyone awake
6 hours of homework
But you only care about little mistakes
That you yourself have emotionally scared on my face
Look at me beyond my mirror
Would the thought of meeting me bring you terror?
Filters on my camera don’t bring out my inner me
I cant wipe away the my love for animals
My love for writing
My love for art
Your “love” only brings hate
Conforming to society’s perfect Barbie dolls
Can be fine for most girls
But then you are not perfect, sweet or kind
You are a belief
A reminder of self-defeat
Though I don’t have many experiences
I have lived a thousand years
My name is Nicole and I will always be here