You make me cry.
There is a certain blankness in your stare
one that is so deep, and true
It seems you're the only one who cares.
I'd like to say you're diffrent, but you're beyond that
hold me
don't let me go
hold me?
let me go?
can I see you later? can we just sit? I need to think about this?
you are not like him, because you are not them
compared like a geese to a group of ducks
you stand out in your very nature.
indeed you are special,
once was a bad thing,
special, mentally, ill,
and you can still love me better than any one else.
No one will give you a chance because you have a blank stare;
Can I sit down and think, that maybe you will be the best that I will get
or can i think
You are the best thing and i'm letting things crash around me?
I'm sorry for the tears.
but I'm just so confused.