You Are My Blue
You are an ocean of mystery: inexplainable, inexplicit, infinite
I read somewhere that 95% of the ocean is unexplored
It must be true because you’re everywhere and nowhere- this ocean of mine that I can’t escape, that I’m surrounded by, but I can’t seem to know enough about
You give me everything then take it away when you go, expanding and shifting with every incoming tide
I’m in delight when you wash over me, and patiently wait for your return when you retreat
Because that 5% that I do know, with its deepest, bluest depths that having me gasping for air, is what lifts me like a buoyant ball amidst a sea of darkness.
You are what I look up to everyday, my sky and ever present horizon
As the Earth kisses the heavens in a beautiful harmony of blue with explosions of powdery white,
I look at you, ever-changing but always beautiful in all your phases
A gleaming twilight, a glistening dawn
A morning sunrise, a parting sunset
You’re my eclipse of the heart
The hottest stars burn bright blue
Among the millions in the galaxy, you’re the one I’m drawn to
Surrounded by darkness but still you burn the brightest- my own beacon of light
Like the dipper, you guide me when I am amiss
You’re just barely out of reach, but always in sight
You are the stars pieced into the constellation of my heart and mind
I read somewhere that when you are looking at the stars, you are looking into the past
But when I look at you all I see is my future: you and I frozen in time
Did you know that blue is the warmest color
The ocean, the sky, the stars- you
Somewhere between the spectrum of green and violet, you are sorrow and warmth
My mystery, muse, and supernova
All I know now is that I’m filled with you
I bleed blue and you make me warm
I will love you for as long as the ocean is infinite, the sky is beautiful, and the stars burn bright in this universe of mine