A Year Ago
A year ago
I didn’t have a voice
It was robbed
By the feeling of uncertainty
It’s an easy feeling
To feel trapped
Lost in not knowing
What to expect
You’re a millennial
You wouldn’t understand
What’s going on in the world
Where hate is the victor
And hope lies underneath
Just be silent
And do what I say
But I disagree
I want to stand strong
I want my voice to be heard
Nothing is keeping me from being silent
I will not be silent
From politicians who hide behind
The veil of social media
To an election based on hate
When we’re supposed to feel love
I want to speak up
Above the harsh rhetoric
Of unruly discrimination
I must be vocal
It’s okay to feel uncertain at times
It’s a part of the human experience
But I know now that I must rise above
Learn from the world around me
And bring hope to a place of fear
A year ago
I didn’t have a voice
But today
It’s been reinvented
And ready to face the fear.