The World Outside of my Window
My feet touched the velvety green that lie beyond my door
I knew it was grass but couldn't remember the feel anymore
The sky, a beautiful blue orb with splotches of white and grey
Was so much more beautiful than the TV portrayed
My eyes burn from the yellow dot in the sky
I can't believe I've missed out on this
I feel the roughness of the concrete
Man-made scratches on my skin
I kick a few rocks and cut myself
But I'm not quite ready to go back in
I look around my neighborhood
Perhaps I shold come out here more
I watch mutated little boggers slither to mate
Beyond them, a bird laughs at a worm
Squirrels chitter endlessly
Strays sleep under porch lights
Trees sway in the blowing winds
And pine cones scent the air
I've never realized how much beauty
Stood in front of my house
It only makes me sad though
That no one else seems to realize it
There's a whole world outside your window
Enjoy it before it's too late