Work Work WORK
That all you do,
But what about me?
We are the children of the world,
The next generation.
You make promises after promises
Yet they never come true,
We were supposed to go this,
You worked,
We were supposed to go do that,
You had something better to do.
Maybe you aren’t the problem
Maybe the problem doesn’t lie within you maybe the problem lies within the fact that I find problems,
I seek the truth
And I find it,
I find what you don’t want me to see,
You don’t want me to see that you love her,
Or that he’s more important to you than me.
But it’s there.
And I see it.
So go to work,
Talk to her,
Visit him,
Ignore me.
Ill pretend not to notice,
Not to care.
But know that while you’re working,
I’m crying.