Words from a Floater
how does it feel to float
float high
higher into the air
you feel free, don’t you?
you are a balloon
joined with a conglomeration of other balloons, just like you
colors so vivid and lasting, so full of life
then someone takes a pair of scissors
and snips away at your string
so you are alone
set free, they say
free to drift through the wind
but are you happy?
is happiness supposed to be attached to freedom?
what if you don't want to be cut loose
to keep your ties
to ground your anchor
to have your stable rock
to be in the presence of others, to be wanted to be in the presence of others
because it gives you the assurance that at least you belong somewhere
to know that you’re not a ghost, a sideline
to know that you are needed
that you matter
what if you want to fall back down to the earth
because my dear, you’ve been floating enough
back down to where you can find acceptance
back down to security
back down to a welcome with open arms
you’re sick of being on standby, watching everyone else belong
waiting for you to belong too
how can floating feel so free
but so confined at the same time?
you try to come back to earth
but it seems like gravity refuses to pull you back down
maybe it was intended, maybe it was meant to be this way
so you have no choice but to just float
to keep floating
to float