Window to My Soul
Poetry – because practice makes perfect
Fiction was my first love, first poem I rejected
It was terrible – oh so terrible
So I stopped writing ‘em for awhile
Later I tried my hand again, discovered my own poetry style
Poetry – because it’s a window to my soul
What I can’t say out loud, I write in words
I was a teenager who started writing children’s poems
I’m still evolving toward perfection, still growing
As I’ve grown closer to God, they take on a religious tone
Oh, you can’t stop me when I’m poetically stoned, in the zone
Poetry – because it’s a way to express
Progress, success, a mindset you must possess
Started doing “picture poems” for that Social Media aspect
Even expanded to my first song, it was fun though was a wreck
My love had grown deeper when I did my first real Spoken Word
I’m telling you, poetry is a window to my soul