Everybody needs it right?
Or even if they don’t need it, they want it.
They wish for it, usually with full disregard of their setting:
beaches, church confessionals, airplanes 3265(feet in a mile) high or more,
though, some are more convenient: hotels, homes, public buildings...
It fires them up, and leaves them with an insatiable need
Insatiable. Everyone feels so close, yet so far
From getting the amount they need…
Hours, minutes, always going back for more, like an addict
Some are wireless, so they come with no strings attached, but others come with so many connections everything gets messy and lost somewhere in the tangled mess
We never truly decided which we wanted…
We knew there was a connection, but to what
I thought there were strings or at least we’d get some eventually,
But your own were already so tangled I had to think if it was truly worth it sometimes
Should I attempt to untangle each cord… each tie, or should I just give up?
That was the easier choice… the smarter one,yet
I still stand here trying to unjumble this mess, wondering if the connection is one sided
You seem not to have any worries, always making my task a bit harder,
just as the mess shows a pattern, you come in and make a constrictor knot,
and I get so frustrated I just want to cry
But I keep coming back… as do you
Both addicts but not to the same thing
Everyone seems to think you’ve disconnected, so you’re going for wireless
You never told me, just left me to sit there and keep trying to sort everything out,
while you’d already decided…. no strings.
No strings attached, yet I’m still connected
Love lost to Lust