Who are you to judge?
This Is What I’m Not
If I were a color,
I would be pink just as you like.
If I were a book,
I would pen the story of your beautiful dreams.
If I were a song,
I would be the music notes that makes your heart feel light.
If I were were a bird,
I would chirp to every love song you sing.
If I were an animal,
I would be happy that you would treat me right.
If I were a friend,
I would be the one who tells you that you are beautiful everyday.
If I were a star,
I would be the north star, the one that exists just to guide you.
If I were a house,
I would be the house of your dreams.
If I was a work of art,
I would be a magnificent Picasso of you.
If I were a storm,
I would be dangerous for your tornado love
If I were a parent,
I would guide my children to do what they love in life.
What am I really?
-Tyrell Womack