Who am I
I am a child of God,
Lord hear my prayers
but am I the one not listening
I try to figure out the game
yet I struggle and cave
I know I am not perfect
but isnt that what you came for
help the broken, lost, and wounded
weren't you once human too?
thy will be done
I say this every night
but am I the one pulling
I ask for forgiveness
yet i dont forgive myself
I'm afarid of my futrue
where am I to go
what do you want from me
who am I
these thoughts fill my mind
as a reach to grab your BODY and BLOOD
and say "the body of Christ"
You will gide me
You will save me
You are my everything
I created You
I know how many hairs are on your head
I know your suffering,
When I died on the cross
I thought of YOU
You are worth more than many sparrows.