This White Porcelain Bowl
This white porcelain bowl
I’m kneeling over it
The cold rim I grip with my fingers.
I am white knuckled
Tears are running down my face,
My nose is dripping.
Snot sliding down my top lip into my mouth.
I hear the door creak open,
All I see is my sister
Asking why.
I can not give a reason why,
And that's when I see it
The disappointment on her face
And even though I see how much it hurts her
I’m over the toilet again the next day,
But this time it is different
Right as I force a finger down my throat
And feel the vomit slide up my throat
My eyes shut,
And I see my sister
And remember that she is 12
And she is growing up in a time where being 100 lbs is perfect
I am supposed to be someone for her to look up to
Not look down to,
Especially not like this
while I’m over
this white porcelain bowl