When you Give the Pawn a Pen
Everyone and everything here is old; archaic.
The new things and people are but copies of generations before.
Arranged a little differently, perhaps.
They are restored classics; cliché- yet contemporary; chic.
No one knows why…
These monotonous routine chapters weren’t any good to begin with.
This doesn’t change, no matters how many times they are read or edited.
Scrap them.
I desire new adventures.
I need new friendships.
I must quest for new loves.
I might suffer from new losses,
But I will risk everything with new courage.
Things cannot end badly, for I am the heroine.
I seek greatness- now.
Let every author pen my expedition in inspirational awe.
Let each character encounter admire and envy my achievements.
Let every plot revolve around me,
And may each conflict reach a prompt, sensible solution.
From every perspective, my name alone, a legend.
A woman known to be wise and just.
Only human, but a hero and martyr-to-be yet…
I’ve waited and searched for what feels like eternity,
But right now, that fate escapes me.
The ink is blotted. I cannot see.
What is happening?
I’m in need of your support
To publish the long awaited sequel with a turnaround.
Where every question worth asking will find its answer.