When Life Threw YOU Lemons
When life threw YOU lemons,
You had a way of not letting them show.
I never knew the lemons existed,
Until it was then my turn to know.
I never knew the lack of sleep, the stress that you were under and how your mind was never at rest,
All I ever remember experiencing was the best lemonade made by a super woman with an S across her chest.
Now that I'm older I have tasted the lemons and even been hit by some too,
I'm reminded of your strength, courage and love so I know I too can get through.
You told me to keep my eyes on Jesus so my hope will always be in Him,
I now know what you meant because like you, I can’t depend on "them."
So I thank you for all you've taught me, but most of all I thank you for the lemonade,
Mom because of you I know that everything is awesome even when lemons try to rain on my parade.