When I was a small
When I was a small child I would dream
I would dream reams ha woul ake me far off,
the dreams made me an astronaut on a space ship
the galaxies were mine to control, i wold surf the skies
but one day i grew up, things changed
Space was no longer quit so possible
But a ship just might be
if i couldn't sail the skis then the sea i would roam
Thw sea was a great, vast, and an unexplored new wonder
off i went to find myself a ship,
once i wasn it i knw, this was it
I stepped on and looked all about,
The wod was soft as i ran my hand across it,
I could feel it, i could be free, new, joyful, happy
I could be what ever i wantd
looking out at the heavens above, the stars in their glory
and the depts below, the fish with pride and beauty
i would never be alone
looing forward ontoa full sea ahead
an endless amount of oppertunities,
the beautiful sea, with it shimmering surface
and the beautiful creatures, it was where i was meant to be
my whole new world
but once again it came time to grow up, things changed
this new reality was no longer real
the taste of the salt water left my mouth dry
the vista lef me needing more
looking out at the nothingness of the ocean
a blank sheet
the eerie silence was deafening,
enough to make any man go mad
i was expecting more, the adventur, the joy, the excitment, the challege
it was no longer a possibility
why! why have you robbed me of my child hood love?
my hopes, desires, wants, and dreams.
i want more, i need more, i require more