What you been up to? #YOWO
Everyone keeps asking me so what you been up to and I'm always like what do you mean?
I mean what are your plans, how are things going?
I guess I'm fine just you know the usual, getting ready for prom, finishing up with school.
Such a simple and harmless question that I'm asked all the time,
so why is it this question is still on my mind?
What should I be doing is this not enough? I mean damn I just turned eighteen what's the rush?
I dont know what colllege I wanna go to, I dont know what I'll study.
I don't know how I'm gonna afford my tuition, you know I don't have any money.
Things arent that simple I can't just choose,
I need a consistent income it doesnt matter what I used to want to do.
I'm not even sure I wanna get a degree, but I know this will make my mother happy.
She never had the things I did, she never had these oppurtunities.
Don't get me wrong I know she wants the world for me, and thats why I do what she suggests but I'm not sure we want the same things.
I feel like I'm just waking up, eating, sleeping like I'm on auto pilot but I'm not living.
I don't wanna wake up one day and hate what my life has become, but I can't just sit here until I start decaying.
But I could be doing something more, I could be inspiring, teaching, sharing my stories.
I could be curing cancer, selling out arenas, I could be traveling the world.
So when you ask me what I'm doing I know exactly what you're doing!
You're trying to make me rethink my goals, you're telling me to get off my ass and go do something
So for that, I thank you, and I'll keep that in mind while I'm making history.