What Would You Do For Nothing?
The man on the corner with nothing to spare.
But who would pause to help him?
Watch as people stride past,
They do not dare look him in the eyes.
They know what they do,
And they know why they do it.
Because what would you do for nothing?
An old acquaintance rings
In need of a place to stay.
Maybe things have been hard.
The cards that they were given have failed them,
Or maybe their fate is their own doing.
But why should that matter?
The truth is, it doesn’t.
It is nothing but a mere excuse to comfort the conscious.
Because what would you do for nothing?
The people cry out for change.
They have been betrayed by a system meant to protect.
But the ones who hold the power pretend.
Pretend to not hear.
Pretend to do something.
Pretend there is no crying to be heard.
But can you blame them?
Because what would you do for nothing?
The children starve silently.
Wasting away.
The people mourn gracelessly
As hope dissipates.
The poor are begging.
The thirsty are searching.
Yet, people do not see,
Or choose not to see.
Because what would you do for nothing?
Hopefully, something.